
Cascade Crest Classic 100m - 30:23:11

Mt. Rainier in the background.

Descending Thorpe Mountain after spraining my ankle at mile 40 something.

At one of the Goat Peak rocks.

The hardwear (belt buckle)! That's what it's all about.

Me and Charlie, the race director.

White River 50m - 9:38:16

Beautiful Mt. Rainier in the background.

Showing the photographer how tired I was.

The kids waiting at an aid station.

Lily helping me decide what fuel I need.

Grey Rock 50k - 6:19:30

5th overall, 2nd in my age division.

20th Century 100k - 12:04

George and I crossing the bridge to the finish.

Ran with Clay on his first ultra marathon, he finished in 14:51.


Watrshed Preserve 12hr 51.98miles in 11:54

Very hot and forgort hydration pack.

The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k 7:21:25

One tough race.

Capitol Peaks 50m 10:33:40

Started late, fell on my head, and forgot my race number. There was lots of snow up top and sticks on the trail.

Yakima Marathon 3:55:38

Almost an hour better than Last year!


Grand Canyon 03/25/08

This sign at the trail head made me laugh.

Awesome run down the Grand Canyon. 7.5 miles down to the Colorado River and 7.5 miles back up to the rim, mostly steps. Snow and ice on the first and last mile. Elevation loss of 4460' going down, and 4460' gain on the return.

Chuckanut Mt 50k 6:18:03

A muddy race!

Charlie (the RD from Cascade Crest) and his wife.

Cenntenial Run 37m 6:37

Hagg Lake 50k 5:31:28

This race was in Oregon, and had excellent race conditions. Nice and sunny, unlike past years.


Bridal Trails 50k 5:26:28

It only rained a little in the beginning but the trail was extremely muddy. Running on muddy trails in the dark is always a challenge. Despite the condition of the trail I was able to set a PR for a 50k at 5:26:28. This was only my 2nd 50k and I hope to do better in the future.